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 (1993 年 3 月 29 日 印第安纳州 马里恩)

 吉米 你喜欢女人吗 Do you like women, Jimmy? 你觉得呢 What do you think? 我爱她们 I love "em. 是吗 Yeah? 你喜欢她们什么 What do you like about them? 我喜欢她们的温柔 I like… their softness. 把她们的手握在我手里的感觉 让她们发笑 The way their hands feel in mine. Making "em laugh. 金发或棕发女郎 Blondes or brunettes? 我约会过各种类型的 金发 亚裔 矮的 高的 I"ve dated every type. Blonde, Asian, short, tall. 大奶♥子♥ 小奶♥子♥ Big tits, small tits? 各种类型 All kinds. 只要是美奶♥子♥ But good tits? 你不喜欢下垂的奶♥子♥ You don"t like saggy tits, 或是乳♥头♥指向不同方向的 or tits that point in different directions? 你不喜欢 Not for you. 好吧 所以除了性感 美奶♥子♥ 美臀 漂亮头发 Okay. So, outside of hotness, great tits, great ass, great hair-- 等等 你不在乎头发 你还喜欢女人什么 Wait, you don"t get hung up on hair. What do you like about women? 所有一切 Everything. 我有姐妹 I got sisters.

 女人比较… Women are more… 善良 kind. 我和女人的相处方式是无法和男人做到的 I can chill with a woman in a way I never could with a dude. 我可以做我自己 I can just be. 但你喜欢她们什么呢 But what do you like about them? 我喜欢这样 I like this. 我并不是说我们之间会发生些什么 但… I"m not saying anything"s gonna happen, but… 有这个可能 possibility"s there. 你不喜欢女人什么 What don"t you like about women? 没有 Nothing. 你觉得拉里霍尔不喜欢女人什么 What do you think Larry Hall doesn"t like about women? 我哪会知道 How the fuck do I know? 那你对我来说有什么用 So, what good are you to me? 让我看到你能找到 和这个男人之间的共同兴趣 You show me you can find common ground with this man, 否则就是在浪费我的时间 or you are wasting my time. 你说你梦见过杀害女人 You said you dreamed of killing women? 你说你梦见过杀害女人 You said you dreamed of killing women. 拉里 Larry. 什么 我梦见…不是这样的 What? I dre-- It"s not like that. 不 我不是梦见杀害女人 No, I don"t dream of killing women. 我是因为杀了她们而做了很多梦

 I just have a lot of dreams from killing them. 加里说他经常梦到自己摔倒 You know. And Gary says that he has a lot of dreams about falling. 加里是谁 Uh-huh. Who"s Gary? 我的双胞胎兄弟 My twin. 加里也曾告诉我 Gary also once told me 他经常梦到自己溺水 that he has a lot of dreams about drowning. 但不是杀害女人 对吧 那是你做的梦 But not killing women, right? That"s more your thing. 拉里 告诉我那是些什么样的梦 And tell me what these dreams are like, Larry. 这些梦就像 The dreams are like-- 就像… It"s like… 我像是俯视着自己 仿佛我脱离了身体 I"m kinda looking down on myself, like I"m not in my body. 拉里 你还记得你的身体在做什么吗 Do you remember what your body is doing, Larry? 我不能确切地告诉你 I can"t tell you exactly. 我只记得是件坏事 I only remember that it"s something bad. 女人被杀害了 Where women are being killed? 有时 Sometimes. 是的 Yeah. 当中有没有长得像她的女人 Do any of the women look like her? 她有出现在你的梦里吗 She in any of your dreams? 我现在想回家 I wanna go home now. 好的 拉里 她有吗 Okay, is she, Larry?

 克里斯 我想回家 I wanna go home, Chris. 拉里 看看这张照片 Larry, just look at the photo here. -我想回家 -好的 但她有… - I wanna go home. - Okay, but is she-- -我想回家 -好的 我带你回家 - I wanna go home. - Okay, I"ll take you home. -我带你回家 -好的 - I"ll take you home. - Okay. -拉里 没事的 -没事的 - Larry, it"s okay. - It"s okay. 我能和你出去谈谈吗 Can I talk to you outside? 没事的 我们很好 It"s okay. We"re good. 我们让他来这里谈论他做的梦 We got him in there talking about his dreams. 就只是这些 我们没有其他的证据 That"s all they are. We don"t have anything. -因为你们不给我机会获取证据 -拉里只是爱说大话 - Because you didn"t let me get it. - Larry talks big. That"s it. 他在雷特勒的案子中 也对我们说了同样的话 He did the same thing with us in the Reitler case. 如果连你们的高端侦探技术都无法做到 还有谁能呢 对吧 Well, if your high-end detective skills can"t be trusted, whose can, right? -去你的 别这么跟我说话 -我同意 你的语气对事情没帮助 - Don"t fucking talk to me like that. - I agree. Your tone"s not helping. 米勒警探 我很欣赏你的办案热忱 真的 Detective Miller, I appreciate your passion here. I do. 但我们已抓到了雷特勒案子的凶手 But we do have our guy in the Reitler case. 这是我十年来见过最简单的案子 And it"s as open and shut as I"ve seen in ten years. 不如你回到伊利诺伊州 为那个叫罗奇的女孩立案调查 Why not go back to Illinois, build your case for the Roach girl, 然后再回到她被发现的印第安纳州 then come back to Indiana where she was found 再次尝试起诉霍尔 and take another run at Hall? 我们都不会反对你这么做

 None of us would object to that. 我们尊重你的办案方式 你也尊重我们的 We"ll respect your sandbox, and you respect ours. 去你的办案方式 Fuck your sandbox. 我不知道 I don"t know. 他是这么说的 It was the way he said, “回到她被发现的印第安纳州” "Come back to Indiana where she was found." 让你想到了什么 Made you think what? 想到了他们要在我眼皮底下把案子偷走 Made me think they could steal the case right out from under me. -凭什么

 -谢谢 - On what grounds? - Thanks. 杰西卡罗奇是在伊利诺伊州被掳走的 Well, Jessica Roach was abducted in Illinois. 可能也是在那里被杀害的 这一点我们无法确定 Probably killed there too. That"s inconclusive. 可她被发现的地点是印第安纳州的 佩里斯维尔 这是确定的 She was found, though, in Perrysville, Indiana, and that is conclusive. 所以他们可以要求案件的管辖权 So, they can claim jurisdiction. 没错 Yeah. 除非… Except… 不 你说吧 这是你的表演时间 No. You say it. Your moment. 我们的嫌犯跨越州界去杀她 所以… Our suspect crossed state lines to kill her, so, you know… 联调局 Federal. 是的 Yeah. 大多数美国律师都不受理谋杀案 Well, most US attorneys, they don"t try murder cases. 如果他们接手 都做好败诉的打算 When they do, they"ve been known to get their asses handed to them.

 但是 胡林刚招募了一位高手 他叫埃德蒙博蒙特 But Hulin just brought in an assassin, Edmund Beaumont. 他曾是州政♥府♥官员 受理过很多死罪案件 He used to be state"s. Tried a ton of capital crimes. 胡林喜欢你吗 Hulin likes you? 应该吧 Seems to. 向她推荐博蒙特 Put a bug in her ear about Beaumont. 如果胡林同意并让博蒙特负责此案 If Hulin agrees to bring us in, and she puts Beaumont on it… 布莱恩 你就有机会将这家伙绳之于法 Brian, you got a shot at slamming the door on this guy. 问询将由马克来进行 Mark will lead the interview. 如果霍尔掐死女人 我不希望劳伦在场 If Hall throat-kills women, I don"t want Lauren in the room. 这可能会吓到他 Might spook him. 我有个人选来进行测谎 I have a guy I"d like to use for the poly. 可以由马克来进行测谎 Mark could do the poly. 你什么时候可以加入我们 When are you cleared to part us? 我这一周都得上庭 I"m in court all week. 那我们 15 日进行吧 Then let"s do the 15th? 有太多时间让事情出错 It"s a lot of time for things to go wrong. 马里恩或沃巴什 随时都可能要求管辖权 霍尔可以请律师 Marion or Wabash could claim jurisdiction at any time. Hall could get a lawyer. 像长耳大野兔般快速逃跑 再次杀人 Jackrabbit, take off, kill again. 是你来找我们的 我们就这么办 You brought this to us. This is how we"re gonna do it. 你笑什么 What are you smiling about? 我觉得你已经选了我来完成这份工作

 I think you already picked me for the job. 是吗 Yeah? 是的 我甚至怀疑从来都没有其他人选 Yeah, I"m not sure there ever was anybody else. 我是空手道和跆拳道黑带 I got black belts in karate and tae kwon do, 而且我很有魅力 and I"m… charming. 你还羞于谈论呢 And you"re so bashful about it. -你觉得这会让霍尔喜欢你

 -很可能 - You think it"ll endear you to Hall? - Possibly. 也许他会想和我这样受欢迎的人在一起 Maybe he"ll wanna hang out with the cool guy. 吉米 这就是你的竞争对手 Here"s your competition, Jimmy. 曾赢得拳击冠军 Won a boxing championship 在沙漠风暴行动期间服役于游骑兵 while serving with the Rangers during Desert Storm. 因此我觉得他能很好地自我控制 So, I think he can handle himself. 风度翩翩 不具威胁性 Personable, non-threatening demeanor, 而且他也没那种显而易见的自负 and he doesn"t have an ego that announces itself 还没踏入房♥间就已暴露无遗 half an hour before he enters a fucking room. -那就选他吧 -博蒙特的确想 - So, pick him. - Beaumont wants to. 你太自以为是 谎话连篇 这就是他所看到的 You are full of yourself, and you are full of shit. That"s all he sees. -是的 这就是你告诉他的 -因为我只看到这些 - Yeah, that"s all you tell him. -"Cause that"s pretty much all I see. 你父母为什么离婚 Why"d your parents divorce? 他们都对彼此愤怒不已 但他们爱我们 They had too much fire and passion, but they loved us, -他们想知道我们… -胡说 - and they wondered what we-- - Bullshit.

 听着 我和继父关系不好 Look, I didn"t get along with my stepfather, okay, 但我不在乎我父母是否… but I could care less if my parents were-- 一派胡言 Bullshit! 别浪费我的时间 Don"t fucking waste my time. 你…要走了 Are you-- You"re leaving now? 好吧 行了 我妈到处乱搞 All right, come on. My mother fucked around. 我觉得是这样 I think. 我老爸总是喝酒 从不回家 My old man was always drinking, never home. 他也可能接受了贿赂 And he might have been on the take, 所以我是在动荡的环境中长大的 so it was like growing up in an earthquake. 我们在他们俩的烂事中毫无办法 We didn"t have any choice in any of it. 他们只是做了自己想做的 They just did what they did, 而我们必须接受 and we had to… take it. 那房♥子简直就是个恐怖的地方 That house was a fucking horror show. 你一定感到很孤独 Must have been lonely. 就是这样 我也无能为力 It was what it was. 如果最终由你去接近霍尔 If you end up in with Hall, 我希望你能回忆起八岁时的自己 I want you to remember who you were at eight. 将自己置身其中 感受它 完全沉浸在那个情感回忆里 Tap into it. Feel it. Wear it like skin. 我不喜欢那个回忆 I don"t like that skin. 霍尔也不喜欢自己的回忆

 Hall doesn"t like his either. 你的档案读得怎样了 Where are you with the file? 我… I… 是的 我又看了杰西卡罗奇被谋杀的案子 Yeah, I"ve been looking at the Jessica Roach killing again, 我…有个问题 and I… I have a question. 她是怎么死的 死因被涂掉了 How"d she die? It"s blacked out. 她是被勒死了 She was strangled. 被什么东西勒死 But how? -他是用手还是绳子 什么东西

 -如果你和他谈了就告诉我 - He used his hands, or rope? What? - You tell me if you talk to him. 但你知道 But you know. 我知道 I know. (沃巴什警局)

 拉里 谢谢你到这里来 Larry, thanks for comi...

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